What’s Happened in America…

I try to avoid cut-and-paste, and I am pretty good about that, mostly. But I couldn’t have said this better myself. “Often thought, but ne’er so well expressed.”

A bogus campaign of blame and propaganda

Here’s a synopsis of what’s happened in America in the last three years. Wall Street brokers maximize their bonuses by taking risks and taking bailouts when those risks fail. In response, our politicians beat up the teachers. Investment bankers maximize their profits by selling subprime mortgages and betting against themselves on the credit default market. In reaction, our leaders attack public servants. Corporate CEOs maximize their income by dumping stocks while telling investors that everything is fine. Then corporate America blames the unions.

The propaganda campaign blaming teachers, union workers and public employees for causing the recession is bogus. Greed caused this recession, not teachers, not public servants, not unions.

The disinformation comes from the people profiting from the recession. Economic data shows the middle class getting poorer, but the ultra-rich are prospering. Who owns the U.S. news media? Roughly six mega-corporations control all the U.S. media outlets. They need you to think that American workers caused this recession. If you see this letter in print it means there is still some journalistic integrity left in America, so there is still hope to set things right. Seek the truth.

Read more: http://www.idahostatesman.com/2011/04/11/1601035/letters-to-the-editor.html#ixzz1JFqcrAu2

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