I have recently come across two blogs that are noteworthy and that I recommend.
The first is Diane Ravitch’s Blog: http://dianeravitch.net/ Diane Ravitch is probably best known for Death and Life of the Great American School System, a book which I recommend to anyone who is interested in public education. She is an education historian. As Assistant Secretary of Education under President George H. W. Bush, she was an early architect of the school reform movement and an early advocate of such reform favorites as school choice, vouchers, and lots of testing. More recently, she has reconsidered her position on much Reformist ideology. She is no less a champion of progress and improvement in public education, but she has distanced herself from the Reformist franchise and has become an outspoken critic of it. She now seems to believe that the dialog on education needs more reality and reason, less reliance on standard Reformist ideology.
The other is Teacher Under Construction, http://teacherunderconstruction.com/ , by Rutgers undergraduate and aspiring teacher Stephanie Rivera. Here we are looking at education issues from the perspective of a newbie, albeit an uncommonly thoughtful and articulate newbie.
Please check them out. I think you will find them informative and thought-provoking, entertaining as well.